22 March 2016

Samuel Beckett Society Announcement

On elections and panel proposals
Dear Members of the Beckett Society

I have so far only received a handful of votes for the election to the executive board of the society. Can you please cast your vote by 8 April, so that the results can be announced at the 2nd Beckett Society conference in Antwerp next month. Further details are available on the relevant page of the recent Beckett Circle (‘Elections to the Executive Board of the Samuel Beckett Society’).

Also, I have yet to receive any panel proposals for the 2017 MLA Convention in Philadelphia. As an allied organization, the Society has one guaranteed panel at the convention and can sponsor a further panel (which will be evaluated by the MLA Committee). Unfortunately the deadline is imminent – we need to submit panels proposals by 1 April 2016. Furthermore, we are also asking for panel proposals for the 2017 SAMLA conference. Again, details are available in the most recent issue of the Beckett Circle (under ‘President’s Address’).

I look forward to hearing from you.

With best wishes